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Our History

In the small farming community  of Acton, five miles outside of Granbury, Acton Cemetery was founded in the early 1800's.  Occupying approximately 20 acres, our peaceful country cemetery features beautiful huge trees scattered throughout.  Fall Creek flows to the far south side of the cemetery. 
Acton State Historic Site, a Texas Historical Commission property, is located in northeast Hood County and is Texas' smallest historic site, with a total of .01 acres. Located in Acton Cemetery, the site is the burial ground of Elizabeth Crockett, second wife of Davy Crockett. She died Jan. 31, 1860 at the age of 72. A striking statue of Elizabeth looking off into the distance marks her gravesite, where visitors come to pay their respects and take in the beauty of the natural setting
In 1815, Elizabeth Patton married Davy Crockett, becoming Crockett’s second wife. In the mid-1850s, many years after Crockett’s 1836 death in the battle of the Alamo, Elizabeth moved her family from Tennessee to the Acton area to claim a land grant for the heirs of Alamo defenders. She and two of her sons settled on the 320 acres granted to them by the Republic of Texas. After her death on Jan. 31, 1860, Elizabeth was laid to rest in the Acton Cemetery, dressed in the widow's black dress she had worn since hearing of her husband's death. In 1911, the state placed a monument at her burial site, commemorating the widow of one of the nation's most celebrated folk heroes. The statue has attracted the attention of historians, calling it one of the "most unusual of the state’s monument projects during the Colquitt administration."

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